Racing shoes ACR - 1020 Wider at the toe shoe RS for Trotters 1020 €36.00 Tax excl €43.20 Tax incl The ACR trotter rolling sport shoe was designed to resist wear. Profile and cover were designed for competition horses: toe rolling aids foot lift off speed, half covered toe and straight sponge assist heels in bearing phase, the branches are lightened and the sponges bevelled to aid shoe removal. This is a good compromise training shoe. Type of nail: E... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4
ACR aluminium horseshoes ACR - 320 Rolling Sport shoe 320 €54.75 Tax excl €65.70 Tax incl The ACR ROLLING SPORT SHOE is ideal for sport horses that work on firm ground. Its shape increases adherence, its rolling toe facilitates breakover, and it reduces anterior lever arm (relieving the deep digital flexor tendon) and helps the heels to sink into the ground (to protect against fetlock suspensory apparatus and superficial digital flexor tendon... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sport shoes ACR - 340 Sport + Shoe 340 €43.50 Tax excl €52.20 Tax incl THE ACR SPORT + SHOE is a multidisciplinary sport shoe. The chased branches and beveled heels facilitate penetration in the ground and anticipate and limit stress on the suspensory apparatus (osseous muscle or superficial digital flexor tendon tendinitis). Anterior rolling motion reduces forces on the deep digital flexor tendon and relieves the distal... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Sport shoes ACR - 372 Sport Rocking Shoe 372 €70.50 Tax excl €84.60 Tax incl Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Racing shoes ACR - 201 Onion shoe - RACE TRACK - 8 mm 201 €32.52 Tax excl €39.02 Tax incl The racing version of our ACR 320 Thickness: 8mm Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1