ACR aluminium horseshoes ACR - 200 Onion Shoe 200 €58.50 Tax excl €70.20 Tax incl The ACR Onion shoe protects sensitive heels, increases the contact area for the rear part of the foot and limits the heel's sinking into soft ground. Its rolling toe facilitates breakover, spares the deep digital flexor tendon, and gives relief in the case of a podotrochlear syndrome.It is also ideal for the horses with a moderate navicular disorder that... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ACR aluminium horseshoes ACR - 320 Rolling Sport shoe 320 €54.75 Tax excl €65.70 Tax incl The ACR ROLLING SPORT SHOE is ideal for sport horses that work on firm ground. Its shape increases adherence, its rolling toe facilitates breakover, and it reduces anterior lever arm (relieving the deep digital flexor tendon) and helps the heels to sink into the ground (to protect against fetlock suspensory apparatus and superficial digital flexor tendon... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Orthopedic shoes ACR - 510 Wedge Egg Bar shoe 510 €73.50 Tax excl €88.20 Tax incl This shoe is graduated from the toe to the heel (7mm thick at the toe and 15 mm at the heel), modifying the sagittal angle by approx 2°. Its relieved frog avoids overpressure. It is therefore recommended in some cases of tendinitis and advanced podotrochlear cases. Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5
ACR aluminium horseshoes ACR - 520 Diplomatic Shoe 520 €57.75 Tax excl €69.30 Tax incl The ACR "Diplomatic" Egg Bar shoe, due to its enlarged bar, allows a stabilization during the landind, limits the heels' sinking into the soft groud and increases the posterior lever arm. Its rolling toe facilitates breakover and limits pressure on the deep flexor tendon. Its shape "Right and left, inside/outside ) optimizes its application Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Orthopedic shoes ACR - 700 Center Support Shoe 700 €55.50 Tax excl €66.60 Tax incl Through its special geometry, the ACR Central Support Shoe reduces the effects of the posterio-anterior lever forces in the interphalangeal flexing and extension stages. It enables the foor and ground contact sufaces to be modified. When used with a suitable polymer, it can support and protect the centre of the foot. Its open toe facilitates breakover and... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Orthopedic shoes ACR - 880 Open Heart Bar Shoe 880 €68.25 Tax excl €81.90 Tax incl The ACR Open Heart Bar Shoe provides excellent support for the frog by spreading pressures and loadings at the back of the hoof. Its nail holes from just after the toe to the heels allows a wide choice of nails positioning during nailing. The tight heel bend allows for the laminitic foot's typical shape and facilitates application; the thinner heart... Add to basket 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Product available with different options Orthopedic shoes ACR - 360 Rocking Shoe 360 €79.50 Tax excl €95.40 Tax incl The ACR ROCKING SHOE allows to adjust or correct the P3 palmar angle according to its position more or less backward under the foot. Its special cross-sectional design ensures smooth landing and breakover. Its particular profile- thinner at the heel - allows a smooth landing (less impact) and the thinnertoe eases the breakover in reducing stress on the... View 4x0 3x0 2x0 0 1 2 3 4 5